Is The Rapture Imminent?

Jacob David
8 min readApr 20, 2024


In the Bible, the book of Matthew 24:40 says, “Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.” In today’s world, the phrase, “Out in the field,” means meeting or searching for clients. (NKJV)

The Rapture is a Christian global event set to happen at any time. It’s time when hundreds of millions of God believing Christians will disappear from this earth, taken to heaven in a single, glorious moment, causing a huge worldwide chaos and confusion to say the least.

In the Bible, the book of 1 Thessalonians 4:17 says “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”

In the Greek Bible, it is called “Harpazo,” translated in English as “to seize, carry off by force · to seize on, claim for one’s self eagerly · to snatch out or away.” Bible verses referring to “Harpazo” are: (Acts 8:39; 2 Cor 12:2, 4; 1. Thess 4:17; Rev 12:5).

I would add “to snatch out or away from danger.” What kind of danger? you ask. The onset of world anarchy and the global one world government, that gets formed, led by the “Antichrist.”

The Bible says that in the end times, the Antichrist will rule the world, and cause everyone, both rich and poor, to receive a mark on their wrist and forehead. No one can buy or sell without this mark. This prophecy was written 2,000 years ago by John, the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ. Today, 2,024 years later, in the year 2024, we know that the mark everyone will be mandated to receive is clearly going to be the “microchip” that is small as a grain of rice, which can be implanted into anyone’s wrist and forehead. [Read Revelation 13: 11–18]

History of the Microchip: They started chipping pets in 1989. Then they started chipping Seniors with Alzheimers, Dementia and other individuals around 2007 to help family members have peace of mind. “… in 1998, when engineer Kevin Warwick became the first human to ever get chipped. Now known as “Captain Cyborg,” Warwick was the first of many to take the risks involved with getting chipped.” Now, individuals are agreeing to be chipped just for the fun of it. They really don’t know how dangerous this is.

The Bible clearly asks people not to get the “mark of the beast,” for if someone does so, he/she will have sworn allegiance to the Antichrist, who has in turn sworn his allegiance to Satan or Lucifer, the fallen angel, thereby rebelling against Jesus Christ and God, his father.

When can the Rapture possibly happen?

The Bible clearly says that no one knows the hour when it will happen. However, we can possibly guess the closest timeline in years when it is due.

Many Christian preachers of the end times like Perry Stone, John Hagee, Jack Hibbs, Jimmy Evans and David Jeremiah agree that the Rapture is imminent. The links to their YouTube channels are below this article.

Although, the exact date and time cannot be guessed by any human being, we can estimate a closer time in years as to when the Rapture could possibly happen. Here’s the timeline:

Jesus died and rose again in 33 AD. Now it is 2024. We are 9 years away from 2033. From 33 AD to 2033 is a period of 2000 years. The tribulation lasts for 7 years, which can start any time between now (2024) and 2033. Then could the PROMISED one thousand year Millennial reign of peace by Christ very well start by 2033? No one really knows. This timeline is pure conjecture on my part. I am surely not dictating any time line for when the Millenial reign of Jesus Christ should start. Far be it from me to do so.

So given this timeline the 7 year tribulation could start by 2025 or 2026. When will the Church of God (his bride) be raptured? God alone knows. Jesus clearly states that even he does not know when the Rapture will happen. As Luke 21:36 states: “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” The Rapture is imminent and could happen any second in the next two years starting now.

The October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas on Israel set into motion the larger global events that must happen shortly in the coming 10 years. [Watch the video series “Road to Armageddon” by Joshua and Caleb, Our Jewish Roots, links to their YouTube channel and Episode 1 are posted below]

How Christianity came to be? (Just read this part without overthinking it)

God created human beings and the planets, the solar system. He placed the first couple, Adam and Eve, in the garden, east of Eden. God asked them to tend for and take care of the garden. He specifically asked them not to eat of two trees, the tree of knowledge, and the tree of life. God visited the couple in the garden once every few days.

There, Eve was tempted by Satan who came disguised in the form of a snake. He asked her to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge telling her, that eating the fruit would make her wise like God. She fell to the serpent’s lies, and ate of the fruit and also shared it with Adam, her husband.

When God came back for a visit the next day, he found that the couple had disobeyed him. He had no choice but to put them out of the garden before they could eat of the tree of life also. Soon after the human race started sinning and living a life of debauchery, murder and hatred toward each other.

So God through his prophet Moses made a stop gap arrangement to help people cleanse themselves from their sins by sacrificing animals (bulls, sheep, and doves) to God with a priest as mediator to get the people right with Him. However God wanted to make the forgiveness of sins full and permanent. He got tired of people abusing the system of sacrificing animals and keep sinning repeatedly. God realized that a meaningful sacrifice had to be made once and for all, because human beings were not able to provide this to cleanse themselves of their sins permanently.

So two thousand years ago, God sent his only son Jesus to preach the good news of salavation. Jesus came to the earth willing to die on the cross for the sins of many, for the sins of the whole world. How could he do that? Because Jesus knew no sin. Being the son of God, he made sure he stayed clean, and did no sin. This made him qualified in the eyes of God his father, to take our place on the cross, and suffer for our sins, our misdeeds.

This is what Christians believe. I agree that this is a bit complex for everyone to understand, but this is the simplest way I can put it to you.

What must I do to be saved?

John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

God does not want you or anyone in this world to perish. After your life here on planet Earth, your eternal life begins. You have two choices. You get to spend Eternity (forever) with God in Heaven, or in Hell where the devil and his demons reside. It’s your time to choose if you want to be saved or not. God has given every human being a FREE WILL, so you get to choose if you want to believe in and follow his son, Jesus Christ.

John 14:6 says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” so the condition required is to believe in Jesus.

It does not cost you anything to believe in Jesus. Many people struggle with the idea of surrendering, of letting their egos go and to stop thinking with their brains and intellect. Christianity does not operate with brains and intellect. It operates on faith and simple belief in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for you and me and the entire world. Jesus does not want anyone to perish (get lost in their sins). He offers you the FREE GIFT of SALVATION.

Simply say this short prayer: “Lord Jesus, I do not know you personally. However, I fully believe that you came to this earth, died on the cross for my sins, and rose again on the third day. I thank you for your matchless sacrifice. Please forgive me of my sins and help me to be counted worthy of being included in the rapture when it happens. Thank you, Jesus, for listening to my prayer. Amen.

IF you found this article useful, please leave me a comment. You can also ask me questions if you have any.

I know there will be scoffers. In the Bible, the book of 2 Peter 3:3 says, “… in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this `coming’ he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.”

If you are tempted to scoff about this article or the concept of the rapture, think again. You can go do your own research and find out if this is true.

RESOURCES: (for additional reading and videos to view)

How did Lucifer the Morning Star angel become Satan?

Tipping Point End Times by Jimmy Evans

Mark Esposito’s Blog on End Time Prophecy

Navigating End Times Uncertainties: Jimmy Evans Talks Rapture (Video)

Our Jewish Roots has 8 videos in a series, called “Road to Armageddon.” Episode 1 Watch the other seven videos in sequence. The show is hosted by the “Bearded Bible Brothers,” who teach about the endtimes are Joshua and Caleb. They will give you more insight to why the nation of Israel is crucial to the endtimes prophecy.

“Left Behind” is a series of 38 novels written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, then made into a movie where Nicholas Cage is a pilot.



Jacob David

I love writing on daily topics of interest and poems. I am a Real Estate agent and Graphic Designer |