Share the Planet — Silent Fireworks?

Jacob David
2 min readJul 27, 2022


Different parts of the world celebrate important days like Independence Day, Diwali, and other festivals with great pomp and fireworks. But fireworks are having a detrimental effect on this planet Earth, that we live in.

I came across this poster which I felt I had to share. It makes sense. How do fireworks affect animals, birds, and insects, plus nature? Apart from the intense smoke pollution, fireworks “explode like magnified gunfire in the exquisitely sensitive ears of all creatures.

Read this a few times, let it sink in. #silentfireworks

You can cannot have an absolute silent firework. But you can choose to fire low decibel fireworks. This will reduce the impact on the world and the animals that we share this planet with.

“You cannot have an absolutely silent firework. The lifting charge on a firework for a shot tube is about 95 decibels, and that is the sound caused by the cartridge being ejected into the air.”

“Towns in Europe, Canada, and the U.K., are leading the way, like Collecchio, Italy, which are banning loud fireworks, by choosing low-noise alternatives. In the U.S., Costa Mesa, California, has already switched the city-wide display to low-noise pyrotechnics.” Families can still enjoy the beautiful sparkling lights these fireworks create and be considerate towards animals, bees and birds.

“Fireworks are not only risky for our pets, but also for all kinds of wildlife (i.e. birds, squirrels, small mammals, butterflies, and even fish)” These animals are severely frightened by the continuous loud noises and flashing lights. They get terribly confused and disoriented from the terrible fear of the loud sounds. They die crashing into trees, walls, windows, or electrical cables or even get run over by vehicles while crossing the road.

Please share this article with others. True, by seeing this poster, my eyes were opened just around July 15, 2022, right after my birthday. I did my part and posted it the same day on all my social media pages. And today, July 27, I am posting it here for you to read. Can you do me a favor and educate others too? Please share this article with friends and family. This might open their eyes too.

I know that people prefer the loudest bang for their buck. But at what cost? It’s time to be considerate of the animals around us, even wildlife. Thank you for reading.



Jacob David

I love writing on daily topics of interest and poems. I am a Real Estate agent and Graphic Designer |