The Changing Landscape of the United States of America

Jacob David
5 min readJan 7, 2021


It saddens and pains me as I write this to see America divided. Many mobs are defacing America and the brief history of 200 plus years that these United States of America has created. When they deface and pull down confederate statues, no matter, what the reason might be, they are changing the historical and cultural landscape of America, in a gross, criminal way, they never fully realize. A true historian and patriot would bereave the loss of such good history.

Each statue represents a landmark, a moment, a time, a period in history. It signals a victory, a monumental decision that was made to erect a statue of a person in honor of what that person accomplished in society. It is someone’s ancestor who was honored, someone’s great grandfather, great granduncle, or some great relative of the last hundred years who made a significant contribution to American history and the shaping of it, in ways no one will ever realize or ever care.

Confederate Statues across America are being hastily removed after the Confederate soldier statue was pulled down by an angry mob in Durham, N.C.

What saddens me is that no one really stops to think. They are acting en masse, adopting a herd mentality to deface America.

Would they destroy their own grandfather’s statue or great relative’s statue to prove a point? Would they burn their own property, home down, or destroy their own car to make their viewpoint heard? I think not.

The new generation of irrational millennials (I don’t want to blanket blame this generation) who are stirred to such negative actions by impatience and a short fuse need to learn that they owe their existence to history that created the United States of America. We are a part of our history. We cannot negate that or turn a blind eye toward history, no matter how much we would like to wipe out a negative phase or aspect of that age, a certain period of time.

Slavery has been a part of America’s history and as much as no one likes it, we cannot deny it ever existed. I realize that removing a statue will no longer remind us of a horrible past, it still is burned into our psyches and has made us who we are. We can from this point go forward as a new generation, keeping those statues where they are, and appreciating lessons that it could teach us.

Tearing down monuments, statues and defacing them makes us uncivilized and without culture. We will soon be a nation without any identity.

We are heading fast toward that direction of becoming an uncivilized nation. It seems the uneducated, uncultured populace surpass the few educated. They who don’t stop to think but go around wrecking cultural icons will soon take over this nation, if they don’t stop to think that what they are doing is wrong. There is no constitution that allows the defacing and destruction of public property. Causing destruction of public property will also amount to jail time. These crude mobsters have to be arrested and put in separate jail cells where they can take time to reflect on their actions.

In the same vein, we must vehemently denounce the attacking of our fellow citizens just because they belong to a different race. They share the same land, the United States of America.

Our values, our standards must be higher than just base reactions of violence toward our fellow human being, because we are capable of intelligent discussion and resolving our problems through dialogue.

Only brutes resolve to violence. I can repeat that statement again. And if you are a brute, you need to get educated. And if you are a brute, and you fail to get educated, then that makes you an animal and the only place for such an animal is a zoo. You could then spend time in a zoo with an animal that might tear you to pieces. Then you might learn the difference between a human being with values and an animal that knows no values, knows no morals, knows no law and the difference thereof.

We must learn to live better each day as human beings. We cannot as a country stay divided, or resort to violence and hatred. There is no place in the United States of America for such behavior. You reflect the values and culture of how you were raised. Your actions though your own, it still will reflect your culture and ethnicity no matter how hard you try to deny that.

My only prayer is that we find ways to heal the deep divide of hatred that has engulfed and destroyed this country over political differences. We are a nation that is stabbing and wounding itself, in a drugged daze, in a frenzy of unprotected rage that is more vehement than terrorism. We are destroying ourselves from within. And I think the evil forces can win if we don’t think with our minds and act human, reason with each other than destroy and deface public property. Lack of education can cause all sorts of serious inconsistencies and make us weak in the arena of discussion and powerful in resorting to violence, fanning the flames of hatred even more.

What we need to do is to slow down and think before we act. Let us not take hasty decisions that are fueled by hatred. We must realize that we are interdependent collectively as a nation. And by giving into hatred and irrationalism, to violence and destruction, then we are doing the job of the terrorists for them. They are a breed of brutes who have learned and practised only violence. They have not been to a school to educate themselves or think of having a future for their children and grandchildren. Let us not equate or debase ourselves to the nature of terrorists or think of destroying our own nation, just because we don’t happen to agree with our fellow citizen.

You have the freedom of speech, but do not let your freedom of speech offend and hurt the sensibilities of others. Learn to practice silence if you do not agree and you don’t have to resort to racial slurs, curse words or practise destruction to prove your point. You do not matter, your view points do not matter, this country, this nation matters. If you want to prove your point, go and rule an island. For every one who destroys or seeks to destroy is a dictator of some sort.

And if you are an immigrant who seeks to destroy this nation that shelters and feeds you, then you are not patriotic to the land in the least. You are equal to a terrorist who wants to burn down this nation with no gratitude in his heart. Next time you want to destroy something, start with your computer, then with your car, then with your house, if you want to prove your point. If you do not want to do that, then do not resort to destroying public property that belongs to the United States of America.

If you don’t like this nation, then you are free to travel to any nation that will accept your view points and raise you a banner of welcome, to your destructive ideologies.

What the United States of America needs is an environment of peace and absolute security, where families can go to work, their children can play and learn, and everyone can have access to great wealth and the best healthcare. We need to work towards a collective goal of prosperity. Amen!



Jacob David
Jacob David

Written by Jacob David

I love writing on daily topics of interest and poems. I am a Real Estate agent and Graphic Designer |

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